The JavaTM IRC client by Berk Özer
As you can see, the Nova IRC project has moved to SourceForge. Nova is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for Java. It is free and open-source software and you may download it from this site.

Requirement: Java 2 Standard Edition v1.2 (or better)

Download Nova 1.5J2-beta version 20000712 here: (550573 bytes). This package includes the source code.

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 1

Release Notes: I will mention some annoying things about this release here. First of all, there is no documentation yet. Just play around with the program and try to learn it intuitively. Not all features that seem to be available do really work. Some of the functions behind the interface elements have not been implemented yet. When selecting internal windows click on the shortcut buttons (at the bottom) and not on their title bars. Otherwise the text input component will not direct the typed text to that window and you may end up sending messages to another channel than the intended one.

Hosted by
July 12, 2000